Town and country Little Thurlow

Town and country Little Thurlow

Today we have been working in Bisbrooke in Rutland. Lining a chimney and connecting a Town and country little Thurlow multi-fuel stove. Along with a stainless steel chimney liner, reclaimed Yorkstone hearth and faux oak beam we think the finish really suits this...
We’re back and on the brushes!

We’re back and on the brushes!

Happy new year to you all! Today we have been sweeping, servicing and inspecting chimneys all over the Stamford, Rutland and Peterborough areas. One of our customers wanted a full inspection as they are selling their home and they wanted to make sure the new owners...
Today’s install 1/10/2019

Today’s install 1/10/2019

We had the pleasure of fitting this Clock Blythfeild multi-fuel stove into this stunning little castle house near Bourne in Lincolnshire. The chimney was lined with a stainless steel flexible chimney liner and fitting connecting up to the stove and then tested on...
Stovax Sheraton 5 installation

Stovax Sheraton 5 installation

We recently went to a job in Great Easton for a customer who had purchased a house and wanted a sweep and inspection of the fireplaces in the property. We could see straight away that one of the fireplaces wasn’t fixed as it should be and had been spilling into...

How long does a flexible steel flue liner last?

Most stoves and wood burners are installed with a flexible steel flue liner. The quality of the steel used can vary greatly, so can the price. If you burn smokeless fuel in your multi fuel stove you will need the highest grade liner because the fuel is very corrosive....