Does it matter what I use for fuel?

If you live in a smokeless zone then you will be restricted to burning smokeless fuels. To check if you live in such an area, you can phone your local authority and ask them. If, like most people, you do not live in a smokeless zone then it is up to you what you burn. House coal produces very good heat. Wood also is very good. It is a matter of preference.

With wood though, there comes a caution. Wood must be well seasoned before it is used in a fire. This means that all the sap and moisture should be removed from it. This is accomplished by covering the logs, leaving some ventilation for air, for at least a year from when the tree was cut down. If you use logs that are not seasoned, they will not burn well on the fire. This means they will give very little heat out but, more importantly, they will cause a build up of creosote. Most of the creosote cannot be removed by sweeping because it bakes onto the chimney walls. As the layer of creosote increases, so does your chance of a chimney fire.

Peat is a significant fuel source in some countries, such as Ireland and Finland, where it is harvested on an industrial scale. In many countries, including Scotland, peat has traditionally been used for cooking and domestic heating for centuries.

Peat has low atmospheric emissions and is also clean and easy to handle.